A particle, carrying a charge of one coulomb, and moving perpendicularly through a magnetic field of one tesla, at a speed of one metre per second, experiences a force with magnitude one newton, according to the Lorentz force law. As an SI derived unit, the tesla can also be expressed as


(The last equivalent is in SI base units).[4]

Where A = ampere, C = coulomb, kg = kilogram, m = metre, N = newton, s = second, H = henry, V = volt, J = joule, and Wb = weber


The tesla (symbol: T) is a derived unit of the magnetic induction (also, magnetic flux density) in the International System of Units.

One tesla is equal to one weber per square metre. The unit was announced during the General Conference on Weights and Measures in 1960 and is named in honour of Nikola Tesla, upon the proposal of the Slovenian electrical engineer France Avčin.

The strongest fields encountered from permanent magnets on Earth are from Halbach spheres and can be over 4.5 T. The record for the highest sustained pulsed magnetic field has been produced by scientists at the Los Alamos National Laboratory campus of the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, the world's first 100-tesla non-destructive magnetic field. In September 2018, researchers at the University of Tokyo generated a field of 1200 T which lasted in the order of 100 microseconds using the electromagnetic flux-compression technique.


Radiation Sources and Doses

Sources of radiation are all around us all the time. Some are natural and some are man-made. The amount of radiation absorbed by a person is measured in dose. A dose is the amount of radiation energy absorbed by the body. See Radiation Basics for information about dose.

On this page:

Radiation Basics

Dose Calculator

Estimate your yearly dose from the most common sources of ionizing radiation with this interactive online dose calculator.

Radiation is energy. It can come from unstable atoms that undergo radioactive decay, or it can be produced by machines. Radiation travels from its source in the form of energy waves or energized particles. There are different forms of radiation and they have different properties and effects.

Related information in Spanish (Información relacionada en español)

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ZinxTech aims to get the United States of America including Puerto Rico completely reliant on Solar, Wind, Water, Geo-Thermal, Natural Gas, Bio-Diesel, and other sources to reserve our fossil fuels for necessary vital productions. The Government would, in theory, offer incentives for electric vehicles with Auto-Pilot features, which would reduce traffic & auto-motive deaths, saving tens of thousands of lives per year. There would be no cost to tax-payers and electricity, fuel, water, heat, and fiber would be provided free of charge to all registered citizens over 17 years of age.